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Diskusijas Par dažādiem jautājumiem vai baidāmies tikt sāpināti?
Iesūtīts: 2012.08.13 01:30:50
Lielākā daļa foruma lietotāji, arī es, nav ne ielikuši savu īsto bildi, ne arī uzrādījuši savu vārdu un uzvārdu. Vai tas varētu būt tāpēc, ka baidāmies atklāties un tikt sāpināti? Vai varbūt šādi ir vieglāk un drošāk atklāt, ko patiesi domājam? Aiz maskām slēpties parasti ir vieglāk.
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AutorsZiņas teksts
fall guys []
# Iesūtīts: 2023.12.30 11:36:14
Scribbl iois a web browser game in which you must guess what other people are drawing. It`s also simple to get started! You have the option of playing with your friends or joining a random game.

icehouse []
# Iesūtīts: 2024.04.26 08:35:52
Thanks for breaking down the icehouse such a complex topic into understandable chunks.
schmitt`s []
# Iesūtīts: 2024.04.26 08:36:29
I love how this blog schmitt`s family farm melville challenges conventional thinking.
trysailtulip []
# Iesūtīts: 2024.05.02 12:46:26
You can demonstrate your basketball playing abilities thanks to Basketball Stars. See what you can do in one-on-one duels. More points must be scored by basketball stars you than by your opponent. Though easy at first glance, you will soon discover that your opponent is not easily defeated.
RichardWilliam []
# Iesūtīts: 2024.05.22 10:57:06
Es piekrītu, ka daudzi cilvēki forumā izvēlas palikt anonīmi, lai gan, iespējams, baidoties tikt kritizēti vai ievainoti. anonīma tērzēšana vietnē omegle chat var sniegt drošības un komforta sajūtu, bet tajā pašā laikā kavē jūsu spēju patiesi izteikt sevi un savas domas.
# Iesūtīts: 2024.06.01 11:12:04
slice master is a fun slicing game. The object of the game is to cut through as many objects as possible to get the highest score possible.
Jason967 []
# Iesūtīts: 2024.06.11 12:49:13
cookie clicker is an addictive clicking game where you produce cookies by clicking on the screen and use those cookies to buy upgrades and automation equipment, creating a never-ending flow of cookies. This simple but attractive challenge has become a phenomenon in the gaming community around the world.
Jender []
# Iesūtīts: 2024.07.03 10:56:35
Fnf dynamic soundtrack adapts to the player`s performance, adding an interactive element to the music. This feature enhances the immersion and engagement.
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