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Diskusijas Par mūsu attiecībām ar tautiešiem ārzemēs Latvijas kristieshi Norvegija
Iesūtīts: 2012.09.02 09:56:57
Labdien! Vai sheit ir arii kads no Norvegijas? paslaik stradaju un dzivoju UK,bet velos parcelties uz Norge. Velos uzzinat,vai Norge ir arii kristiesi no latvijas? Kaa tur klajas musejiem ar kristigo dzivi,bazicu un vispar.Paldies.Lai Dievs Jus visus bagatigi svetii...
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# Labojis Aivars: 2012.11.15 13:32:16
Oslo reizi mēnesī notiek dievkalpojumi latviešu valodā.
Liekas, ka tos vada māc.Gints Kronbergs. Tepat mājas lapā vari atrast viņa kontaktus:
Viņš varētu zināt vairāk par latviešu sabiedrību Norvēģijā.
# Iesūtīts: 2012.11.15 16:50:23
vispār būtu vēlams, ja arī visādos forumos norāda epastus, tad tos mazliet pakropļot vai nu ieliekot kādu pauzi vai arī @zīmi nomainot ar citu, vai pasta provaideri aprakstot

Diemžēl spamu laikmetā, kad visādi roboti skanē veblapas, ielikt tiešā tekstā epastu, var būt diezgan nežēlīgi pret tā īpašnieku, jo pastkaste būs pilna ar mēstulēm
aivars lapsans []
# Iesūtīts: 2012.11.20 21:02:36

Jā ir Oslo , šķiet zviedru baznīcā latvieši īrē. Pats esmu tur bijis. Bet visu informāciju jums iedos Latvijas vēstniecībā Oslo. Rakstiet uz turieni.
Kādreiz tur kalpoja mācītājs G. Kronbergs. Tad pārcēlās uz Latviju . Tagad gan nezinu ka tur kalpo.
Mītavai []
# Labojis uzraugs: 2012.12.03 10:25:43
Vari uzrakstīt Torkild Masvie uz <tmasvie(AT)>. Viņš iedos kontaktus, pastāstīs.
Hanas []
# Iesūtīts: 2023.09.05 10:03:51
Šī tiešām ir Oslo, kur zviedru baznīcā apmetusies latviešu draudze. Patiesībā es tur esmu bijis agrāk. Taču sīkāku informāciju es jums sniegšu Latvijas vēstniecībā Norvēģijas galvaspilsētā Oslo. Tinti tajā.
Agrāk draudzi vadīja mācītājs G. Kronbergs. Tad viņš piecēlās un aizbrauca uz Latviju. Tagad man nav ne jausmas, vai viņš tur vispār kalpo. mini crossword []
# Iesūtīts: 2023.09.09 16:57:49
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# Iesūtīts: 2023.09.12 09:50:31
Norway has many churches and some of them <a href="">melon playground</a> are very historic and beautiful. In addition, various Christian activities, festivals and events are held. Christians have the opportunity to participate in church services and other religious events.
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# Iesūtīts: 2023.09.12 09:50:59
If you are planning to move to melon playground Norway and are interested in the Christian life and churches, you will definitely have the opportunity to attend and participate in these events.
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# Iesūtīts: 2023.09.16 14:08:11
A Ledger wallet is trusted by millions of people around the world for performing trade operations. It is considered safer as compared to the software wallet, and it generally functions by getting paired up with the Ledger Live Wallet software app.

The app needs to be paired up with the  Ledger Extension  device to allow users to perform trading operations. Accessible on both platforms i.e. computer and mobile devices, this application permits users to explore and access several DeFi apps,

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# Iesūtīts: 2023.09.17 14:56:16
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# Iesūtīts: 2023.09.19 04:55:19
You will undoubtedly have the chance to attend and participate in these activities if you want to come to Norway and are interested in Christian dinosaur game life and churches.
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# Iesūtīts: 2023.09.19 11:11:18
A collection of emoji has been developed by SmallSEOTools. You may now simply copy and paste emojis from a large collection at your disposal. There is an emoji for every app and every mood.

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# Iesūtīts: 2023.09.20 20:23:24
Interesanti, kāpēc tu viņai nejautā tieši, lai saņemtu vislabāko atbildi? Es domāju, ka tas ir patiešām nepieciešams, un es ceru, ka jūs to izdarīsit tūlīt pēc manu komentāru izlasīšanas, paldies, wordle game , ka klausījāties.
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# Iesūtīts: 2023.09.26 07:27:53

Norway has many beautiful geometry dash free church buildings, and some of them are particularly notable for their architecture and history.
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# Iesūtīts: 2023.09.29 10:56:08
Professional trading for everyone. Investing in the future. Gateway to your financial freedom. Get involved today and conquer the markets with our services and solutions safe and secure trading, Easy access to investment opportunities. It is never too late to start your journey into the world of crypto and secure a wealthy and sustainable future for yourself and your family. Our vision is that financial freedom is crucial and the access to investment opportunities should be unlimited. That is why we offer the easiest, fastest and most affordable way to start trading for a regular retail investor. mayfairplus
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# Iesūtīts: 2023.10.02 09:43:00
Norway has many museums roblox unblocked and places related to Christianity and its history.
Henry []
# Iesūtīts: 2023.10.04 08:35:01

The Cash App login with Cashtag installed on your mobile device. As soon as you open the homepage, you will reach the login page.Further, you can feed the exact Cash App login with Cashtag credentials that you had set up at the time of the wallet creation process. The same should be done if you are using PayPal to pay, shop, send, or receive funds. After setting up your PayPal login credentials, you need to make sure that you enable 2FA on your account.
marco []
# Iesūtīts: 2023.10.17 09:47:23
OKX offers various security features such as two-factor authentication and multi-signature technology to ensure the safety of users` funds. Also, OKX wallet allows users to quickly and easily exchange cryptocurrencies within the app as well as purchase cryptocurrencies using fiat currencies.

Designed to assist users in sending, receiving, requesting, and exchanging numerous cryptocurrencies, Infinity wallet is an on-premises and mobile-based cryptocurrency wallet. Users of the solution can monitor real-time portfolio data and daily, monthly, or annual wallet balances using the dashboard that is included.
jannemilton88 []
# Iesūtīts: 2023.10.18 05:46:44
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