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Diskusijas Par ticību bīties? baidīties? bijāt?
Gaida Siedziņa
Iesūtīts: 2008.12.09 12:14:12
vai no Dieva vajag baidīties?

un vai baidīties un bīties ir viens un tas pats?
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AutorsZiņas teksts []
# Iesūtīts: 2024.07.01 14:08:15
Impressive depth in discussing complex issues. Your expertise shines through every paragraph. Well done!
pacman 30 years []
# Iesūtīts: 2024.07.01 14:16:31
Insightful analysis backed by solid research. This article is a must-read for professionals in our field. pacman 30 years code []
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Great work! Your detailed examination of the topic provides valuable insights. This is a must-read for anyone interested in this area. code
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drudge report []
# Iesūtīts: 2024.07.09 10:31:27
Awesome article! The points you made are spot on and very informative. I appreciate the effort you put into this. Well done! drudge report
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